The next steps in the improvement of Chepstow Leisure Centre - Monlife

The next steps in the improvement of Chepstow Leisure Centre

Chepstow Swimming Pool

At Wednesday’s meeting of Monmouthshire County Council’s full cabinet, the ongoing improvements to Chepstow Leisure Centre was discussed, which when completed will represent a total investment of more than £1.6million.

The programme of work, which has been underway since March 2021, forms part of the council’s ‘Looking Ahead, Delivering Now Our Strategy to Summer 2022. Chepstow Leisure Centre is benefiting from significant improvements to facilities which include the sports hall, outdoor playing facilities and pitches, swimming and fitness facilities. The investment is also testament to Monmouthshire County Council’s MonLife commitment to addressing the issue of health inequality, enabling more people have an improved experience in its leisure centres, and more opportunities to continue to increase their health and wellbeing. 

There are three main phases of the investment for the overall project at the Chepstow site. The first phase included measures as part of the council’s aim to reduce its carbon footprint and is already completed. Improvements included LED lighting and shower upgrades, swimming pool plant and boiler replacements and a refurbishment of the pool hall.

The second phase starts next week and is expected to be completed by July. This will see health, fitness and wellbeing improvements including an upgrade of the fitness and studio equipment.

The third and final phase of proposed improvements to the outdoor facilities and pitches see improvements to the outdoor play areas and pitches. In December 2021, MonLife was invited to apply for a grant from the Welsh Government, via Sport Wales, and a separate grant from Football Association of Wales, to develop the outdoor playing facilities and pitches at Chepstow Comprehensive School and Leisure Centre.  The overall total project funding and grant funding was £101,997 from Monmouthshire County Council, with an additional £433,058 sought from the funding bodies.

The proposed project of improvements has been developed in consultation with Chepstow Leisure Centre, Chepstow Comprehensive School, Sport Wales, Football Association of Wales, Hockey Wales and Monmouthshire Junior Football League.

Cllr. Lisa Dymock, cabinet member for Social Wellbeing said: “These proposed improvements will see the Chepstow site future-proofed, with the ability to enhance and improve many different sports, enabling growth and providing opportunities for all.

“The sustainability of outdoor facilities, fresh air and the ability to exercise and play in a safe, secure more important than ever before. The leisure centre will continue to build on the excellent work already being undertaken to increase provision and an improved community sport hub.”