heritage - Monlife

MonLife Heritage Museums Welcomes Back Customers

We are delighted to announce that all the museums across MonLife are open again. Chepstow Museum and Monmouth Museum will be open Tuesdays 11 am-2 pm and Saturdays 1 pm-4 pm, whilst Abergavenny Museum will be open Thursdays 11 am-2 pm and Sundays 1 pm-4 pm.

During the summer we spoke to staff and carried out a survey, which was answered by over 170 people to find out what we could do to make visitors and staff comfortable when visiting the museums.

Visits are on a free pre-booked basis only and are for 45-minute slots. One slot is available for a group of up to 6 people from the same household or bubble. We have divided each of the museums into timed zones and during your visit, your group and a member of staff will be the only people within this zone.

We have various safety measures in place. Hand sanitiser is a requirement at the point of entry and staff will be cleaning throughout. All staff and visitors will be required to wear face coverings.

We are really pleased to be opening our shops and whilst we have been closed we have reviewed our offer which means there is currently a sale on in all the museum shops, so please take the opportunity to come and pick up a bargain. Please note we are only accepting card payments.

I would be pleased to see the staff again; they are always pleasant and it adds to the trip.

Customer Feedback

For full information on what your visit will look like and to book tickets with us, go to https://www.visitmonmouthshire.com/things-to-do/museums.aspx We will also be posting any available slots on the day outside the museums.

Our staff are all looking forward to welcoming you back to our sites.

We are thrilled to be re-opening the museums. Communicating the heritage of Monmouthshire to our visitors is what we are about and being able to do that face to face, in a safe way, is something we are all really pleased to do once more.

Rachael Rogers, Museums and Arts Manager

Nodwch / Notice :

Diweddariad Pwysig ar y Cyrtiau Sboncen Ailagor -

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Important Update on Squash Court Reopening

Due to unforeseen delays with our suppliers, the reopening of our squash courts will not occur on the 2nd of August as previously scheduled. We understand the inconvenience this may cause and sincerely apologise for any disruption. Our team is working to resolve these issues and we will keep you updated on the new reopening date. Thank you for your patience and understanding.