Climate and Nature - Monlife

Climate and Nature Emergency: Awareness and Action

Monmouthshire County Council declared a Climate Emergency in May 2019 adopting its first Climate Emergency Strategy in October 2019. Since then the Welsh Government declared a Nature Emergency acknowledging the decline in nature caused by humans, setting out its expectations for actions to restore it and agreeing there should be parity of actions for climate change and biodiversity.Declaring a Climate Emergency recognises the impacts that our changing climate is having on the planet, its natural resources, biodiversity and our daily lives. Our health, well-being and livelihoods depend on the ecosystem services our natural resources provide, we need these services to survive and thrive. It also acknowledges that where biodiversity is at risk so are these vital services, as our health and well-being is directly and intrinsically linked to the health and resilience of our environment.

These are challenging times and the GI Team is working to raise awareness about these complex issues and encourage individuals and communities into action. We can all implement changes to help reduce our impacts on the environment and to contribute to enhancing ecosystem resilience and biodiversity.

The GI Team and Gwent Green Grid Partnership have been working with partners across the county, engaging with school  and community groups in a variety of projects, including public events and delivering climate and nature workshops and resources.

For more information on MCC’s climate and nature work click here

GI and Nature Projects – Monlife

Community Nature Spaces – Monlife

Biodiversity in Monmouthshire – Monlife

Monmouthshire Local Nature Partnership – Monlife

Gwent Green Grid Partnership – Monlife

Climate Emergency – Monmouthshire

Coming soon: Helping Nature to Help Us: Interactive Boards

Illustrating the interconnected of ecosystems and how each ecosystem contributes positively to climate adaptation, personal/community wellbeing, biodiversity and provides ecosystem services,  enabling people to find out what they can do to help nature to help us with climate change.

Climate and Nature Resource Packs for schools and community groups

To help look after our green spaces and places, like gardens and parks, in climate friendly ways.

This post is also available in: Welsh