Countryside Access Projects (Delivery Plan) - Monlife

Countryside Access Projects (Delivery Plan)

The Monmouthshire Countryside Access Improvement Plan (CAIP) sets out the approach to managing access to Monmouthshire’s countryside for the benefit of all Monmouthshire’s residents and visitors, from 2020 to 2030. Each year a ‘Delivery Plan’ (see below) which helps monitor the delivery of the CAIP.  It is a live document showing what improvement projects are currently taking place and it will be amended as projects develop and resources, or opportunities allow. 


Countryside Access Delivery Plan 2021-22

Countryside Access Delivery Plan 2020-21

We would love to receive your feedback and photos of how our projects have benefitted you or your community.  Many of our improvement projects have been put forward by Community Volunteer Groups.  Should you wish to submit a local project please contact

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