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Looking for a truly historic half-term? Welsh Museums Festival has it covered

Dragon lore, Pirate Codes, Time Travel and Treasures, and Crafts are on offer as museums across Wales are busy brewing a potent potion of inspiration for a bumper historic half term, as the Welsh Museums Festival ensures plenty of activity to delight locals and visitors of all ages. And with the cost of living soaring, this year’s festival will have more FREE festival activities than ever before.

Speaking about the festival, Deputy Minister for Arts and Sport, Dawn Bowden said: “Wales’ excellent museums support our sense of nationhood and wellbeing. They are also key to our tourism economy. At a time when families and individuals across the UK are struggling with increased living costs, we feel passionate that Wales’s story and our treasures remain accessible to all. Welsh Government is therefore proud to support Welsh Museums Festival to offer a packed fortnight of events for all ages, welcoming visitors and supporting our communities, with an engaging array of events and activities in museums across Wales. And importantly, enabling more of these events than ever before, to be offered free of charge.”

Welsh Museums Festival is made possible by funding from Welsh Government. It is an annual event presented by the Federation of Museums and Art Galleries of Wales, which is the advocacy body for museums and galleries and those working in this sector within Wales. It currently represents over 100 unique Accredited Welsh museums, from small independents to national museums. Together, these invaluable collections tell the story of Wales, and are a treasured resource for learning, exploration and knowledge about our local and national identity, and how we have lived here in Wales since the dawn of time.

Launching the programme for this year’s Festival, Nêst Thomas, President of the Federation of Museums and Art Galleries of Wales said:I’m grateful to our fantastic museums for taking up the gauntlet of participating in a longer festival this year, so that we can support local tourism economies and our communities to have a historic half term. It feels particularly important at this time of increased financial hardship, to do as much as we can to support our visitors’ wellbeing, and so we’re delighted that more Festival activities than ever will be free of charge. Come along to discover our treasures, to enjoy historic hullabaloo, to solve riddles, to learn, to make and craft, to discover a wealth of stories, to time travel and enjoy.”

In Monmouthshire, MonLife Heritage is offering a number of free activities in partnership with the festival. 

A key theme of this year’s festival is ‘treasure’. Festival events will explore treasures held in museum collections and asking questions such as ‘what do you treasure?’ and ‘why?’. To that end, the festival will be engaging visiting teenagers in a Photography Competition which encourages them to creatively explore some of their ideas about treasure, while children will enjoy hunting for Black Bart’s treasure chest by solving a series of riddles and cracking a secret code.

Oh, and did we mention dragons? Look out because ‘Here Be Dragons’! A clutch of baby dragons has hatched and run a mock in a number of our museums and sharp, young eyes are needed to help track them down. All through Welsh Museums Festival, afflicted museums will be engaging visitors help round them up and return them to the wild so that they can grow big and mighty like the dragon on the Welsh flag.

We are also running specific events. Whilst the leaves are turning and our wonderful wildlife is getting ready for the colder days ahead, drop in and join us for free half term fun with our autumn animal clay play days from 11am-3pm on the following dates:

Monday 31st October at Shire Hall Museum, Monmouth

Tuesday 1st November at Abergavenny Museum and Castle.

Thursday 3rd November at Chepstow Drill Hall.

Children must be accompanied by an adult.  No booking required.

Cllr. Sara Burch of Monmouthshire County Council said: “There are plenty of playful family activities at Abergavenny and Chepstow Museums this week. There are opportunities for children to dress up in costumes, play a game of ‘throw the fish in the basket’, chalk the longest line you can, or grab a ‘horse’ and canter down the corridor. From mud kitchens and chalkboards to dressing up and toys and games, there is something to make a visit full of fun.”

The time travel ends on 6th November full programme details will be available on https://www.monlife.co.uk/autumn-animal-clay-play-plus-much-more/ on the festival’s website www.museums.wales

Community Nature Spaces Coming to Chepstow

Chepstow will soon be the latest town in Monmouthshire to benefit from the Community Nature Spaces Project, which aims to improve our green spaces for nature and help support opportunities for health and wellbeing. This can be done in a variety of ways, such as by planting trees, adding raised beds for community food growing and increasing wildflower planting for pollinators.

Ladybird on flower

The project will be supported by Welsh Government’s Local Places for Nature funding, and will create places that will bring communities together. They’ll also be places to get up close to nature and get active.

Illustration showing a hedge and the way it supports wildlife

Cllr. Catrin Maby, Cabinet Member for Climate Change & the Environment said: “Creating spaces that support nature within our towns is good for people and for nature. It helps to protect and support biodiversity, but it also gives us green and beautiful spaces to enjoy and relax in.”

Cllr. Sara Burch, Cabinet Member for Active & Inclusive Communities said: “This is a fantastic opportunity to provide a network for wildlife and people in the very heart of our towns and engage with nature, which is good for everyone’s health and wellbeing. We’d love as many people as possible in and around Chepstow to have their say about their Community Nature Spaces, to make sure it offers the very best for the town and its people.”

Illustration showing food growing techniques for vegetables in beds

In order to get a full understanding of what the Chepstow community wants, Council Officers are working with the elected Town and County Councillors as well as local interest groups. Please visit https://www.monlife.co.uk/community-nature-spaces/ where you will find a link to a questionnaire about green spaces in Chepstow, how you use them and how you would like to see them used in the future. There will also be paper copies of the questionnaire available at Chepstow Hub. The first stage of the consultation will close on the 11th November but residents and stakeholders are welcome to get in touch about the project at any time.

And they’re off! Monmouthshire’s children run for fun

More than a thousand Monmouthshire children donned their trainers and sports gear last month to take part in a week of sporting fun.  The Cross Country 2022 sporting event brought together 27 local primary schools from across the county. Children showed the grown-ups how it’s done with fantastic sportsmanship, encouragement and teamwork throughout each event. 

The Cross Country 2022 programme, organised by MonLife, was especially for primary school children between the ages of seven and 10. The chance to take part in a range of sports, races and runs, was an opportunity too good to miss. So much so, that 90% of all primary schools in Monmouthshire took part. When it comes to fitness and well-being, Monmouthshire’s children are certainly leading the way.

Cllr. Sara Burch, Cabinet Member for Inclusive and Active Communities said: “I am so impressed at the support given by teachers, pupils and families to the recent Cross Country programme of events. It’s fantastic that 27 primary schools in the county got involved. Hopefully these youngsters have now got a taste for sport and for running. Who knows, maybe some of them will be professional athletics stars of the future. In becoming more active, they’re already on the right track.”

The far-reaching Cross Country event – the first since the pandemic – gave a fantastic opportunity to meet new people and most importantly have fun. One parent who attended said: “I just wanted to say that the Cross Country event this morning was brilliant and my daughter really enjoyed it.  She wants to sign us up for the junior park run now!”

If you missed the week of fun, it’s not too late to get involved. Junior Parkruns are held in Dixton (Monmouth), Bailey Park (Abergavenny) and in Rogiet, so get those trainers on and head along. For more information regarding primary school festivals or details of your local parkrun please email sport@monmouthshire.gov.uk

‘Food and Fun’ programme provides children with healthy meals during summer holidays

The school holidays can put all kinds of pressure on families. To help out with mealtimes, the Welsh Government’s Food and Fun Enrichment programme provided healthy meals and activities during the summer break across five host schools that met the criteria.

Food and Fun is a school-based education programme that provides food and nutrition education, physical activity, enrichment sessions and healthy meals to children from disadvantages areas during the school summer holidays. Access for the scheme is co-ordinated on a referral basis with education from the host schools.

Starting as a pilot run by Cardiff Council in 2015, Food and Fun has developed into a national, fully funded Welsh Government programme administered by the Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA). In 2021, 137 schools in Wales delivered the programme and provided over 7500 places for children each day that it ran and is taking place in several Monmouthshire primary schools this summer. This summer has seen a total of 2005 attendances recorded in the Food and Fun provision, with 4010 breakfast and lunches provided. Dewstow, Kymin View, Overmonnow, Deri View and Thornwell primary schools are all welcoming the Food and Fun programme, providing pupils with the opportunity of staying active over the summer whilst receiving nutritious meals.

Councillor Sara Burch, Cabinet Member for Inclusive and Active Communities, attended the Food and Fun sessions at Deri View Primary school on Thursday 4th August. Cllr. Burch said “It was great to see what the MonLife team are doing for children over the summer holidays across the county. These Food and Fun sessions are a great way for children to keep active, have fun and stay in contact with their friends whilst enjoying delicious, nutritious food. I want to say a big thank you to everyone who is working hard to make sure these important sessions run, and most importantly, making sure these children have a great summer holidays.”

There’s still time to take part in the Nature Isn’t Neat survey

Since its launch, this summer’s Nature isn’t Neat online Survey has received more than 1,000 responses from across Monmouthshire and the wider Gwent area.

The survey, which closes on Friday 30th September,  has been designed to capture residents’ thoughts on the Nature Isn’t Neat approach, which promotes letting grassland in parks and along verges grow in the spring and summer to create meadow areas and space for nature. The feedback received will help inform future management of green spaces.

Nature isn’t Neat’s ethos is that grassland in Gwent’s green spaces should be allowed to grow and flourish with wildflowers, providing food and habitat for our pollinators. It’s also about finding a balance between nature and recreation throughout the year. Monmouthshire County Council is continually assessing how well they’re managing green spaces for nature and for residents. The survey will continue into the autumn so there is plenty of opportunity to provide feedback by completing the survey at www.monlife.co.uk/outdoor/nature-isnt-neat/complete-our-survey/

As late summer approaches, many plants have finished flowering and are beginning to set seed, leaving meadow areas looking grassier. Whilst they may not be as colourful, they are still full of grasshoppers, moths and butterflies which are living and feeding in the grass. It’s vital that wildflowers and meadow grasses can produce and disperse seed before being cut, so we get more flowers next year. At the end of the season, the council’s grounds teams will be starting their grass cutting regimes across sites, by cutting and collecting the arisings like a traditional meadow they are removing nutrients and reducing the dominance of grass next year and encouraging more biodiverse habitats.

The project is supported by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development: Europe Investing in Rural Areas and is funded by the Welsh Government’s Enabling of Natural Resources and Well-being Grant. 

For more information visit: https://www.monlife.co.uk/outdoor/nature-isnt-neat/

Leisure Management System Update & FAQ’s

Important Notice: Leisure Management System Update and FAQ’s

Communication – 13th September 2022

Important Notice: Link to NEW Leisure Management System – Live Wed 14th Sept

Over the last few week’s we have been working on implementing the NEW Leisure Management System at our MonLife Active Leisure Centres. 

We are pleased to say that the link will be available for you to explore on Wednesday 14th September 2022 by clicking on the link below

Within this link you will be able to re-register your account if you have been a pay as you go or previous member up until the 1st of September 2022.

Once registration is complete you will be able to login to your online account to manage bookings and your membership profile or even set up a new MonLife Active membership.

Additionally, if you are a new to MonLife you can “Sign Up” as a free casual member, or purchase a new membership.

We have put together the following Online Guide to help you run through the process but if you have any issues please contact the relevant Leisure Centre.  https://www.monlife.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Guidlines-for-NEW-Online-Booking-System.pdf

As with all new systems we hope that everything run smoothly but please bear with us if we experience any technical issues.

I would also like to remind you that the Leisure Centres will be closed on Monday 19th September for the state funeral of Her Majesty The Queen.

Over the last few weeks as you are aware, we have been working on implementing the NEW Leisure Management System at our MonLife Active Leisure Centres.

This system will enhance your user experience and make managing your membership and bookings with us even easier. Please see below a list of Frequently Asked Questions that we will be updating as the project develops:

FAQ’s: Last updated 6th September 2022

How will the changes affect me from Tuesday 6th September?

From Tuesday 6th September this is the last day until the NEW system launches on the 14th September that you can book 7 days in advance.

This is also the day that the NEW Home Portal for Learn to Swim Customers was launched which you can access with your existing username and password by clicking on the link below https://monlifeswim.courseprogress.co.uk/

How will I be able to access the new system?

From the 14th September when you log into the NEW online portal that we will share you will see that it has a new appearance.  You will then Register to gain access to the new system using your email address that we have for you currently.  If you need to clarify or change your email address, then please contact the relevant Leisure Centre.  The link to the new system will be added here and shared with you via email and social media platforms closer to the date.  We will also be adding a guide shortly for you to follow.

How will this NEW system change the way I book Activities?

From the 14th September any bookings made will need to be paid for at the time of booking. 
Also, all customers, even if you have booked and paid for your activity online will need to register with your MonLife Card at reception before attending.  If you no longer have your card, then please visit reception where we can issue you with a new one.

Will there be any changes to class bookings?

We are implementing a class waiting list where if a class is full you can add yourself onto this list online and an automated email will be sent if a space becomes available.



Dear Customer,

On behalf of everyone at MonLife I hope that you are healthy and safe at this time. 

I wanted to let you know of a few exciting changes that you may see over the coming weeks while we install the NEW Leisure Management System at our MonLife Active Centres.

Over the last few weeks, we have been working in the background on implementing this new system that will enhance your experience and make managing your membership with us even easier. The new changes are as follows:

  • Faster sign up process if you want to join as a member
  • Effective communication platform through email, push notifications and SMS
  • View, join and pay for any of our Active Membership options via the App and online
  • Easier to view, book and pay for classes or activities whenever it suits you and on any device.
  • View manage and update your personal details.
  • Login using email and password  instead of your membership number
  • Integrated social sharing options allowing you to share details of your bookings  with friends and family.

We would like to reassure you that during the migration from our old Leisure Management System to our new one we are fully GDPR compliant and all of your data  will continue to be safe and secure.

As with all new systems we hope this migration runs smoothly but please bear with us if we experience any technical issues.

Our priority as always is to ensure that this will not impact on your experience.  Our team will be regularly updating our website and social media channels with up to date information.

Please be assured the MonLife team are working tirelessly to get this new system in place and we hope you enjoy the new and improved customer interface.

If you have any questions please email monmemberships@monmouthshire.gov.uk

Green Flag Awards awarded to popular sites across Monmouthshire

Monmouthshire’s green spaces and parks have been placed in the spotlight again in this year’s Green Flag Awards. The awards, presented by leading environmental charity Keep Wales Tidy, give recognition to the locations that offer excellent facilities while demonstrating an ongoing commitment to delivering great quality green space.

This year sees Caldicot Community Garden, Garden City Sensory Garden and Rogiet Wildlife Friendly Village receiving their first Community Awards, while four of the county’s locations are celebrating repeated success: Tintern Old Station (award winners since 2009), Caldicot Castle Country Park (since 2013),and Castle Meadows Abergavenny (since 2014) and the Monmouthshire and Brecon Canal (since 2020).

Tintern’s Old Station is a popular attraction, and situated in a scenic wooded area next to the River Wye it’s described as a hidden gem, while Caldicot’s magnificent medieval castle is set in fifty-five acres of beautiful country park offering an ideal setting for picnics and walks against the background of the castle walls, with picnic tables and barbeques. Abergavenny’s tranquil Castle Meadows on the banks of the River Usk provides a peaceful setting just a short stroll from the centre of the town.

The Monmouthshire and Brecon Canal runs through the Brecon Beacons National Park with a stretch from Gilwern to Mamhilad within Monmouthshire. This quiet and scenic waterway is popular with boating beginners and offers incredible mountain views and some of the darkest night skies in Britain.

Twelve other locations across the county have received special recognition with a Community Award: Caldicot Community Garden, Garden City Sensory Garden, Rogiet Wildlife Friendly Village, Incredible Edible Usk Garden at Monmouthshire County Council’s County Hall in Usk, as well as Mardy Park and Bailey Park, both in Abergavenny, Crick Woodland and Crick Meadow, Crucorney Allotments, Goytre Community Garden, Laurie Jones Community Orchard and The Cornfield in Portskewett.

Cabinet Member for Inclusive and Active Communities, Councillor Sara Burch said: “It’s so great to see the hard work and commitment of the many volunteers and community groups that look after these beautiful green spaces receiving these fantastic awards. On behalf of my colleagues and myself, I would like to express our gratitude for all their hard work.”

The Green Flag Award programme is delivered in Wales by environmental charity Keep Wales Tidy, with support from Welsh Government. Independent green space experts volunteered their time in early autumn to judge applicant sites against eight strict criteria, including biodiversity, cleanliness, environmental management, and community involvement.

A full list of award winners can be found on the Keep Wales Tidy website www.keepwalestidy.cymru

For more information on the many attractions and places to visit in Monmouthshire take a look at: Visit Monmouthshire https://www.visitmonmouthshire.com/

MonLife committed to enriching young people’s lives with a Summer of Fun

MonLife is getting ready to welcome children and young people in Monmouthshire to its exciting wealth of activities and fun across the county this summer. The Monmouthshire Games, indoor play centres, theatre events and many more activities have been organised with the intention of keeping children and young people active and entertained during the summer break.

The Summer of Fun initiative, with the help of significant financial investment from the Welsh Government, will encourage young people to engage in social and cultural play and physical activities outside of formal learning.

Play provision, and creating spaces to play, is an essential element to support children and young people’s wellbeing. The Summer of Fun programme, supported by MonLife’s wider play offer, ensures a variety of activities are available for children and young people this summer.  Plus, with free activities available in both Welsh and English across the whole of Wales to support young people and help families with the rising cost of living over the summer months, there’s something suitable for everyone.

The Summer of Fun activities kicks-off with The Monmouthshire Games taking place between July 25th and August 26th, with action-packed days offering more than 30 different sporting activities that can be enjoyed by children and young people – aged 5-11 years old – at all four of the county’s leisure centres (Abergavenny, Caldicot, Chepstow and Monmouth). The Monmouthshire Games (TMG) provides a unique opportunity for both children and parents. Participants can meet new friends, develop new skills and confidence, whilst parents are content knowing that their child is safe, happy and having hours of sporting fun.

The Summer play sessions will also be taking place to provide craft-based make-and-take activities inspired by the collections, themes and stories at Chepstow Museum, Abergavenny Museum and Castle, Caldicot Castle, Old Station, Tintern and Shire Hall, Monmouth.  The project will take place over 2 weeks focusing on the themes of Medieval mayhem and Playtime through the ages. You can find out more information here: https://www.monlifeholidayactivities.co.uk/monlife-heritage/

Open-air theatre events at Abergavenny Castle grounds have also been scheduled this summer, with Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare taking place live on stage on 29th July. There are other theatre events on at Abergavenny Castle throughout summer for all the family to enjoy, including The War of the Worlds (12th August) and David Walliams’ Awful Auntie (19th August). To book, click this link: https://www.monlifeholidayactivities.co.uk/theatre-events/

Families can also book a visit to MonLife’s indoor play centre at Monmouth Leisure Centre this summer, which features an exciting three storey, action-packed climbing maze and a unique ‘beat the clock timing’ system. All of Monmouthshire’s leisure centre swimming pools are open for the summer holidays, including family bubble sessions, junior swim lessons and aqua classes. Local swimming timetables can be found here: https://www.monlifeholidayactivities.co.uk/swimming/

Monmouthshire’s Leisure Centres have a packed pool programme including free swim, spin and gym sessions for young people aged 12-18yrs, as well as free access to 3G facilities and £1 pay and play sessions at designated times.

MonLife Connect’s Youth Work Team are hosting a five-week programme of activities for young people aged 11 plus which includes Skate Jam, football tournaments, swimming trips, plus much more.  Click here for further information: https://www.monlifeholidayactivities.co.uk/youth-service/

Cllr. Sara Burch, Cabinet Member for Inclusive and Active Communities, said: “MonLife has done a great job making sure there’s something fun for every child to do this summer. Whether you are sporty, creative or just like splashing about in the pool, there’s something for you. We know family budgets are tight, so we’ve kept costs down thanks to funding from the Welsh Government. And if you are looking for a low cost family day out, we can all head for the hills on Monmouthshire’s miles of countryside footpaths, visit the castles and museums or take a picnic to the park. Have a great summer holidays.”

For a full list of all the activities taking place across MonLife and for the Summer of Fun please visit www.monlifeholidayactivities.co.uk

MonLife’s ‘Extraordinary Summer’ membership offer launched

Now’s the perfect time to focus on your health and wellbeing journey, thanks to MonLife’s Extraordinary Summer campaign. MonLife has just launched a new Active membership offer that gives a limited six-week membership for £49. This price includes access to all the leisure centre facilities during that time, plus a free induction session. If you’re new to keeping fit, or returning after a long break, what better way to see if it’s for you than this short ‘taster’ during the summer, so you can discover everything that’s on offer.

MonLife’s Active membership includes 1-2-1 personal support and gym training programmes to help you achieve your goals. Plus, there are four leisure centres you can visit – Abergavenny, Caldicot, Chepstow and Monmouth, each offering wide range of facilities including pools, gyms with Technogym equipment, over 160 fitness classes including Les Mills, and access to sauna and steam rooms to help you relax (each leisure centre is unique, so visit the website to see the timetables for classes and swimming, and other facilities).

Membership also includes free access to MonLife Live and On Demand, via MyWellness app, for days when you can’t make it to the gym. A free induction will familiarise you with the equipment, and a full personal Fitness Membership Journey, including segmental body composition with the Tanitor monitor, which helps provide analysis of your health and fitness.

The friendly instructors can build a personalised programme for you, to help achieve your goals, which you can track on the MyWellness free app.

You have until 12th August 2022 to sign up to get six-weeks’ membership for £49, so pop into your nearest MonLife leisure centre as soon as possible. There’s free parking on all the sites, no joining free, and no additional costs. More than 160 fitness classes, including Les Mills, are waiting for you to discover.

For more information visit: https://www.monlife.co.uk/summer-campaign-2022/ or call 01633 644800 to speak to one of the team.

Monmouthshire’s plans for Active Travel following Welsh Government funding

Monmouthshire County Council has received Welsh Government Active Travel funding of £3.4m for the financial year 22/23 with the aim of reducing everyday car journeys, and making walking, cycling and wheeling the easiest option.

Monmouthshire’s Active Travel strategic focus is on journeys shorter than 3.0 miles to education, employment, shopping, health destinations, bus and rail stations, and details of the schemes will be developed in partnership with local people.  

How is this funding being distributed across the county?


  • Construction of phase 1 of Caldicot Links (subject to planning) – Changing disused MOD railway into walking and cycling link.
  • Scheme development (design work) of multi-user route through Caldicot Castle County Park to link Caldicot Links to Church Rd.
  • Construction of phase 2 on Church Road.
  • Scheme development of Newport Rd (West).
  • Scheme development of Education and Leisure Centre based project.


  • Furthering the design work on Castle Meadows and the Active Travel bridge over the river Usk.


  • Furthering the design work on Kingswood Gate to Williams field Lane.
  • Williams Field Lane links to Monnow bridge & Monnow Street.

In addition, the council has received £500k in core funding, which is to be used for:

  • Scheme development of the Wye Active Travel bridge and Wyesham links projects.
  • Quick wins around the county, focussing on minor improvements to Active Travel routes, bringing them up to audit pass standards.
  • Barrier removal – making access to Active Travel routes easier and more accessible.

Cllr. Catrin Maby, Cabinet Member for Climate Change and the Environment, said: “It is very good news that Monmouthshire County Council has received this funding from Welsh Government. There is much more to do, but this is a positive step in the right direction by making it easier for people to walk, cycle or wheel, rather than using a car.”

This total funding of £3.9m is the largest ever Active Travel award achieved by Monmouthshire County Council, showing the continued commitment to improving walking, cycling and wheeling routes within the county. Previous awards included £3m in 21/22 and £1.8m in 20/21.

For more information regarding Active Travel in Monmouthshire, visit: Active Travel – MonLife