Case Study: Developing new Active Travel routes in Caldicot - Monlife

Case Study: Developing new Active Travel routes in Caldicot


Monmouthshire County Council is working to improve the local walking and cycling network around eastern Caldicot, Crick and Portskewett, to make local active travel more accessible, more enjoyable and safer for the whole community.


Two sections of interconnected route are being developed: one through Caldicot Castle Country Park (the 1km long Caldicot Multiuser Route) and one along the former MOD railway line, now disused, from Portskewett to Crick, running alongside the castle country park and the Severn Bridge Industrial Estate (the almost 3km long Caldicot Links).

As part of the project development a stakeholder consultation was undertaken by connecting with over 200 people in live engagement sessions, working with pupils and staff from two local schools, setting up a project webpage inviting feedback, sending out letters and posters locally and holding online stakeholder meetings.


Results showed significant local support for the proposals, resulting in over 800 ideas being shared with us for consideration in the detailed design.

Current progress (as at July 2022):

  • Caldicot Links Phase 1 (southern section below the castle country park) – a wide range of surveys and assessments completed, the old rail has been removed, currently applying for permissions, funding secured for construction by March 2023 (subject to permissions being in place).
  • Caldicot Multiuser Route and the Links Phases 2&3 – further ground and ecological surveys and assessments and design development are underway, working up to applying for all permission.

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