Joel Hamer - Monlife - Page 4

A look inside Abergavenny’s newest youth centre

Opening on Friday 4th March, The Cabin is a safe space for 11-25 year olds to socialise, meet new friends and talk about any issues, with help from Monmouthshire County Council’s Youth Service.

Prior to its replacement, The Cabin had been very small with limited capacity, and was not fit for purpose. With significant help and support from Abergavenny Town Council and Monmouthshire County Council, funding for the removal and replacement of the existing Cabin with a more fit-for-purpose structure was provided to use as a youth centre, with brand new equipment and activities being provided by Monmouthshire Housing.

The Cabin acts as a hub for young people to gain information such as sexual health, addiction, relationships, to informally meet peers and to take part in recreational activities. Following its refurbishment, The Cabin has a larger capacity, with features including comfortable areas, TVs, game consoles and a pool table.

The Youth Workers that reside at The Cabin carry out important support for Monmouthshire’s young people on many issues, such as employability, youth homelessness, alcohol and substance abuse, mental health, self-harm, and sexual harassment. The key purpose of Youth Work is to enable all young people aged 11-25 years old to develop holistically through a range of activities and opportunities. Youth Work supports young people’s personal, social and educational development, empowering them to develop their voice and influence, and supports them to reach their full potential.

This has been made easier due to The Cabin’s refurbishment, as there is now a quiet room for these personal and private conversations. Monmouthshire Youth Service’s Shift project, which supports young people aged 11-25 with mental health and emotional wellbeing support needs, will also operate out of this room.

Councillor Lisa Dymock, Monmouthshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Community Wellbeing and Social Justice, said: “The refurbishment for The Cabin is such fantastic opportunity for young adults in Monmouthshire to have a safe and secure place to, not only have fun, but to get any support that is needed. Our Youth Service have done an excellent job in creating this safe space for 11–25-year-olds, and I am looking forward to seeing how much The Cabin will positively affect these young adult’s lives.”

Youth Work is primarily based on a voluntary relationship between young people and Youth Workers, where young people choose to take part and are involved in the decision-making, design, and delivery of a service to meet their needs.

Monmouthshire County Council’s Youth Work takes a person-centred, rights-based approach which works to the Five Pillars of Youth Work in Wales, where young people who access the service have opportunities for learning that are Educative, Expressive, Empowering, Participative and Inclusive.

Drop-in sessions will be available at The Cabin every Tuesday (3-8pm), Wednesday (3-8pm) and Friday (3-6pm).

For more information, please visit: Youth Service – Monlife

Youth-led Museum Placement Opportunities

Ydych chi rhwng 18 a 25 oed?

Rydym yn edrych am bobl frwdfrydig i’n helpu i wella’r ffordd yr ydym yn cynnwys pobl ifanc wrth lunio amgueddfeydd yn Sir Fynwy.

Fel rhan o gynllun Gaeaf llawn Lles Llywodraeth Cymru, rhaglen o ddigwyddiadau a gweithgareddau a gaiff eu harwain gan bobl ifanc ar gyfer pobl ifanc, rydym yn edrych am ddau person 18-25 oed ar gyfer prosiect cyfnod cyfyngedig i gyfrannu at wella’r ffordd yr ydym yn cynnwys pobl ifanc wrth lunio amgueddfeydd yn Sir Fynwy.

Bydd y lleoliadau hyn yn cael eu talu, ar gyfradd o (£100/diwrnod), a gyllidir yn uniongyrchol gan Ffederasiwn Amgueddfeydd ac Orielau Cymru (nid Cyngor Sir Fynwy). Cynhelir y lleoliadau hyn rhwng 9 a 31 Mawrth 2022.

Rhagwelwn y bydd pob lleoliad yn 9 diwrnod i gyd, wedi’u lledaenu dros y cyfnod hwn (er y byddem yn ystyried llai o ddyddiau os na all ymgeiswyr gyflawni i’r 9 diwrnod llawn). Bydd y lleoliadau yn gweithio’n agos gyda Gwneuthurydd Rhaglen Gaeaf llawn Lles o Ffederasiwn Amgueddfeydd yng Nghymru, fydd yn cydlynu’r prosiect gyda chefnogaeth gan amgueddfeydd Sir Fynwy.

Beth fyddaf yn ei wneud?

Bydd y rôl yn cynnwys gweithio gyda’r tîm i:

  • Ymgynghori gyda phobl ifanc, yn defnyddio dulliau fel gweithdai a thrafodaethau wyneb i wyneb
  • Casglu sylwadau a barn pobl ifanc yn Sir Fynwy am y ffyrdd gorau i ymgynghori gyda nhw
  • Casglu’r canfyddiadau i adroddiad fydd yn sail i gyflenwi rhaglenni amgueddfeydd yn Sir Fynwy a sut y byddwn yn ymgysylltu â phobl ifanc a’u cynnwys yn y broses yn y dyfodol
  • Ymweliadau safle posibl i adolygu cynnig presennol amgueddfeydd ar gyfer pobl ifanc.

Bydd y lleoliadau yn gyfle rhagorol i gael profiad uniongyrchol gyda MonLife Treftadaeth, Ffederasiwn Amgueddfeydd yng Nghymru ac Amgueddfa Cymru a datblygu sgiliau a phrofiad mewn ymgynghori gyda phobl ifanc.

Mae hyn yn ddechrau ymdrech tymor hirach i ddatblygu a gwella’r gwasanaeth amgueddfeydd ar gyfer pobl ifanc. Gobeithiwn y bydd y prosiect yn gosod sylfeini ar gyfer sefydlu Panel Ieuenctid, i fwydo’r ffordd yr ydym yn datblygu ac yn darparu ein gwasanaethau ar draws yr amgueddfeydd yn Sir Fynwy.

Manyleb Person

Rydym yn edrych am unigolion gyda’r sgiliau, profiad a diddordebau dilynol.

  • Diddordeb mewn gwella mynediad a gwasanaethau cynhwysol ar gyfer pobl ifanc (hanfodol)
  • Sgiliau cyfathrebu ysgrifenedig a llafar da – gallu addasu cynnwys ar gyfer gwahanol oedrannau (hanfodol)
  • Trefnus, gyda’r gallu i reoli eich llwyth gwaith a’ch amser eich hunan (hanfodol)
  • Cyfeillgar, agos atoch ac yn dangos cydymdeimlad (hanfodol)
  • Diddordeb mewn clywed a chynrychioli amrywiaeth o leisiau a barn pobl ifanc (hanfodol)
  • Profiad o weithio fel rhan o dîm bach (dymunol)
  • Diddordeb mewn dulliau newydd a chreadigol i ennyn diddordeb pobl ifanc, yn cynnwys defnyddio technoleg a chyfryngau cymdeithasol (dymunol)
  • Profiad o hwyluso trafodaethau neu weithdai (wyneb i wyneb ac ar-lein) (dymunol)
  • Profiad o weithio gyda phobl ifanc a grwpiau ieuenctid (11-25 oed) (dymunol)
  • Profiad mewn gwerthuso, ymchwil gymdeithasol neu ymgynghori (dymunol)
  • Diddordeb yn y sector treftadaeth (dymunol)

Mae’r cyfle ar gael i unrhyw un rhwng 18 a 25 oed. Fodd bynnag, mae gennym ddiddordeb neilltuol mewn clywed gan ymgeiswyr nad ydynt mewn cyflogaeth lawn-amser ar hyn o bryd ac sy’n dymuno ymchwilio gwahanol lwybrau gyrfa.

Sut i wneud cais

Anfonwch eich CV (gydag enw dau ganolwr) atom ynghyd â datganiad diddordeb, dim mwy na 500 gair, ar sut ydych yn ateb prif gyfrifoldebau a disgwyliadau’r proffil rôl yma erbyn diwedd dydd Llun 7 Mawrth at .   Byddwn yn penodi i’r swydd cyn gynted ag sy’n bosibl ar ôl y dyddiad hwn a bydd cyfarfod cyflwyno yn ystod wythnos y 7 Mawrth

DS: Rhagwelwn y bydd 9 diwrnod o waith fesul person sy’n rhaid ei wneud rhwng 7 a 31 Mawrth. Mae rhai dyddiau penodol o weithio o fewn y cyfnod hwn, sef:

Dydd Mercher 9 Mawrth – dydd Gwener 11 Mawrth (cynhwysol) – dim dyddiau llawn

Gyda’r nos yn ystod yr wythnos yn cychwyn 14 Mawrth – I’w gadarnhau

Dydd Gwener 25 Mawrth

Dydd Mercher 30 NEU dydd Iau 31 Mawrth – i’w gadarnhau

Gadewch i ni wybod yn eich cais os gwelwch yn dda os nad ydych ar gael ar rai o’r dyddiadau hyn, neu os na allwch ymrwymo i’r 9 diwrnod llawn.

Gaeaf llawn Lles

Caiff y lleoliadau hyn eu hariannu drwy raglen Gaeaf llawn Lles Llywodraeth Cymru, cynllun ar draws Cymru i helpu plant a phobl ifanc i gael adferiad o’r pandemig a mynd i’r gwanwyn yn teimlo’n well, wedi cysylltu’n well gydag eraill ac yn barod am ddechrau newydd.

Dylid nodi nad yw Cyngor Sir Fynwy yn rhoi taliad am leoliadau. Fodd bynnag bydd yr ymgeisydd llwyddiannus yn gymwys i dderbyn taliad dan y rhaglen Gaeaf llawn Lles. Bydd hyn yn gytundeb rhwng y lleoliadau a Ffederasiwn Amgueddfeydd ac Orielau Cymru a chaiff unrhyw geisiadau ariannol eu gwneud ar ôl cwblhau’r gwaith rhwng y ddau barti ac NID Cyngor Sir Fynwy.

Cadwch lygad am weithgareddau Gaeaf llawn Lles eraill ledled Cymru a chael y diweddaraf am yr hyn sy’n digwydd drwy Instagram (@bloedd_ac), Twitter (@AmgueddfaCymru), TikTok (amgueddfacymru) a Facebook (@amgueddfacymru). #winterofwellbeing #gaeafllawnlles

Are you 18 to 25 years old?

We are looking for enthusiastic people to help us improve the way we involve young people in shaping museums in Monmouthshire. 

As part of the Welsh Governments Winter of Wellbeing, a programme of youth-led events and activities for young people, we are looking for two 18 – 25 year olds for a limited time project to contribute to improving the way we involve young people in shaping museums in Monmouthshire.

These placements are paid, at a rate of (£100/day), funded directly by the Federation of Museums and Galleries of Wales (Not Monmouthshire County Council). They will take place between 9th and 31st March 2022.

We anticipate each placement being 9 days in total, spread over this period (though we will consider fewer days if applicants are unable to commit to the full 9 days). The placements will be working closely with a Winter of Wellbeing Programme Maker from the Federation of Museum in Wales, who will co-ordinate the project with support from Monmouthshire museums.

What will I be doing?

The role will involve working with the team to:

  • Consult with young people, using methods such as workshops and face to face discussions
  • Collect the thoughts and opinions of young people in Monmouthshire about the best ways to consult with them.
  • Compile the findings into a report which will inform future delivery of museum programmes in Monmouthshire and how we engage and include young people in the process.
  • Possible site visits to review Museum’s current offer for young people

The placements will be an excellent opportunity to gain experience directly with MonLife Heritage, The Federation of Museums in Wales and Amgueddfa Cymru- National Museums of Wales and develop skills and experience in youth consultation.

This is the start of a longer-term effort to develop and improve the museum service for young people.  We hope that the project will lay the groundwork for establishing a Youth Panel, to feed into the way we develop and deliver our service across the museums in Monmouthshire.

Person Specification

We are looking for individuals with the following, skills, experience, and interests.

  • An interest in improving access and inclusivity of services for young people (essential)
  • Good written and spoken communication skills- able to adapt content for different ages (essential)
  • Organised, with the ability to manage your own workload and time (essential)
  • Friendly, approachable, and empathetic (essential)
  • An interest in hearing and representing a diversity of voices and opinions of young people (essential)
  • Experience working as part of a small team (desirable)
  • An interest in new and creative approaches to engaging with young people, including use of tech and social media (desirable)
  • Experience facilitating discussions or workshops (face to face and online) (desirable)
  • Experience working with young people and youth groups (11-25) (desirable)
  • Experience in evaluation, social research or consultation (desirable)
  • An interest in the heritage sector (desirable)

This opportunity is open to anyone aged between 18 and 25 years.  However, we are particularly interested to hear from applicants who are not currently in full time paid employment and wish to explore different career paths.

How to apply

Please send us your CV (with names of two referees) and an expression of interest, maximum 500 words, on how you meet the main responsibilities and expectations of the role profile by end of Monday 7th March to .  We will appoint the roles as soon as possible after this date and there will be an introductory meeting during the week of  7th March.

NB: We anticipate there will be 9 days work per person which must be carried out between 7th and 31st March.  Within this period there are some fixed days of working, they are:

Wednesday 9th March – Friday 11th March (inclusive) – not full days

Some evenings during w/c 14th March – TBC

Friday 25th March

Wednesday 30th OR Thursday 31st March – TBC

If you are not available on some of these days, or not able to commit to the full 9 days, please let us know in your application. 

Winter of Wellbeing

These placements are funded through the Welsh Government’s Winter of Wellbeing programme, a cross-Wales bid to help children and young people recover from the pandemic and head into spring feeling better, more connected to others and ready for a new start.

Please note that Monmouthshire County Council does not provide payment for placements.  However the successful applicants are eligible to receive payment under the Winter of Wellbeing Programme.  This will be an agreement between the placements and the Federation of Museums and Galleries of Wales and any financial claims will be made on completion of the work between the two parties NOT Monmouthshire County Council.

Look out for other Winter of Wellbeing activities across Wales and stay up to date with the latest goings on via Instagram (@bloedd_ac), Twitter (@AmgueddfaCymru), TikTok (amgueddfacymru) and Facebook (@amgueddfacymru). #winterofwellbeing #gaeafllawnlles


MonLife Active

Our MonLife Active Leisure Centres will be closed on Friday 18th February due to #StormEunice.

We will update you tomorrow on our social media channels with regards to Saturday re-opening times.

Don’t forget that all MonLife Members can continue to train with your favourite instructors using the MonLife LIVE & ON DEMAND app. The app allows you to access exciting virtual live groups and your own personalised fitness experience from home. If you haven’t already done so you can Download it here:

The safety of our staff as well as our customers are our main priority, and we urge you to please stay at home and keep safe.

MonLife Heritage

Our MonLife Heritage Sites and grounds will be closed on Friday 18th February due to #StormEunice. This includes:

  • Caldicot Castle and Country Park
  • Old Station Tintern
  • Shire Hall
  • Abergavenny Museum and Castle
  • Chepstow Tourism Information Centre however, they are available by telephone, 01291 623722.

We will update you tomorrow on our social media channels with regards to Saturday re-opening times.

The safety of our staff as well as our visitors are our main priority, and we urge you to please stay at home and keep safe.

After the storm has passed and you are visiting our sites please watch out for debris and hanging branches.

MonLife Countryside

We advise avoiding using countryside sites and the rights of way network due to #StormEunice.

The safety of our visitors is our main priority, and we urge you to please stay at home and keep safe.

After the storm has passed, please watch out for debris and fallen branches.

MonLife Connect

Our MonLife Connect youth centres will be closed on Friday 18th February due to #StormEunice. This includes:

  • The Zone Youth Centre
  • Caldicot Positive Futures
  • Thornwell Pavilion

The safety of our staff as well as our young people are our main priority, and we urge you to please stay at home and keep safe.

MonLife activities lined up for a fun February half term

Monmouthshire’s leisure provider MonLife is gearing up for the exciting February half term, with plenty on offer to keep children and young people active and entertained over the school holidays.  The activities wil kick off on Monday 21st February and run  until Friday 25th. A full list of what’s on offer can be found on the website at and there is something for everyone.

As part of the Winter of Wellbeing funding from Welsh Government, MonLife Learning will be carrying out a number of different sessions across Monmouthshire including making a ‘mindful mosaic’, creating a wellbeing jar as well as mindful colouring inspired by the museum’s collections. MonLife will also be staging a wide range of play events for local communities, for children and families to come along to. These events are free to attend, so to register you interest via the website. Please note that parental supervision is required for children under the age of 11.

The Monmouthshire Games will also be taking place and are aimed at children between the ages of 5 and 11 and offers activities to suit a range of different interests and hobbies. The sessions run from 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday. All activities will be delivered in accordance with National Governing Body guidelines for each sport and will be COVID-19 compliant. The Monmouthshire Games are available to all young people in Monmouthshire, including any children of families visiting Monmouthshire on holiday. Each site has 50 spaces available per day and parents are being encouraged to book as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.

Cabinet Member for Community Wellbeing and Social Justice, Councillor Lisa Dymock said: “The MonLife holiday activities are so important to our children and young people, and are designed to promote wellbeing as well as mental and physical health. After nearly 18 months of having lockdowns and restrictions, our younger generations have missed out on people able to have fun, socialise and be active. Spaces fill up very quick so I would encourage parents to sign up as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.”

Oh boy! Rare vintage Mickey Mouse toy saved from rubbish

A vintage and rare Mickey Mouse toy will proudly be put on display after being saved from the rubbish tip thanks to eagle-eyed colleagues from Monmouthshire County Council’s waste and recycling contractors, Suez. The extraordinary cuddly toy, which is thought to date back to the 1930s, was discovered in a container destined for the tip. After unearthing the old toy, staff contacted MonLife’s Museum’s team about their special find.

Intensive research found the Mickey Mouse was originally made at one of UK’s oldest teddy bear manufacturers, the Deans toy factory in Pontypool. The business, which dated back as far as the 1700s, was the first manufacturer to make the Disney character in the UK in the 1930s but sadly fell into administration in 2005. An almost identical example of the toy – the earliest version of Mickey, as he appeared in his debut 1928 film ‘Steamboat Willie’ – is held within the collections of the V&A Museum in London.

After discovering the historical importance of the toy, Rachael Rogers, curator of Abergavenny Museum suggested that Mickey’s forever home might best be Pontypool Museum, which is less than a mile from the old Dean’s factory where it was made all those years ago.

Speaking about the extraordinary find, Cabinet Member for Neighbourhood Services, Councillor Jane Pratt said: “I think it’s wonderful that Mickey has, after his very long life, been saved from the rubbish! I am so pleased that he is being donated to Pontypool Museum near to where he was made at Deans Rag Book Company. I hope that the publicity he creates will encourage people to think carefully before they throw things away. I am delighted that he will be viewed by generations to come in his new home.”

Cllr Pratt added: “Our Reuse shops at Llanfoist and Five Lanes have gone from strength to strength, with fantastic support from the staff at these recycling centres who spot lovely things, as well as the dedicated team of enthusiastic volunteers. It is not every day you find something as special as Mickey, but you would be amazed at what great things get saved that would have simply been thrown away.”

Upon receiving the donation, Pontypool Museum Curator, Caitlin Gingell said: “The curatorial staff are very pleased to be acquiring Mickey into the collections at Torfaen Museum. Dean’s toy factory, where Mickey was made, has been an important strand of Pontypool’s history and it is lovely to be bringing him back to his hometown. We hope that Mickey can go to a professional conservator in the near future, to be cleaned and structurally supported before going on display as part of a small exhibition about the toy manufacturer.”

Bargain hunters and antique enthusiasts alike will be able to head to Monmouthshire County Council’s Llanfoist and Five Lanes Reuse shops from mid-March.  Buying reused items is a great way to help the environment and reduce waste. All profits from the reuse sites go to tree planting in Monmouthshire to help in the fight against climate change. People can visit the reuse sites at the following locations:

  • Llanfoist Reuse shop – Llanfoist, NP7 9AQ, reopening every Tuesday 10am – 3pm from 15th March
  • Five Lanes Reuse Shop – Caerwent, NP26 5PD reopening every Wednesday 10am – 3pm from 16th March

COVID Announcement

Following on from the recent announcement from Welsh Government on the easing of covid restrictions, we’d like to update you on how this applies when you visit our MonLife venues.

From Monday 28th February 2022

  • Adults and children aged 11 and over will no longer be required to wear face coverings in our MonLife venues.
  • If you have covid symptoms do not enter our facilities – get tested and follow current self-isolation advice.
  • We will continue to take reasonable measures to keep staff and visitors safe during their time in our venues including ventilating areas; completing bespoke risk assessments; maintaining good hygiene at the premises.
  • Please respect those who continue to wear face coverings – everyone’s safety is important to us.

Once again, we thank you for your continued support. For further important updates, offers and news why not download the MonLife App.

Monmouthshire woman who spent three weeks in coma praises MonLife referral scheme for helping change her life

65-year-old Sheila Viner was referred to the National Exercise Referral Scheme (NERS) at Chepstow Leisure after being admitted into intensive care and spending over 11 weeks in hospital in 2020. The NERS, which operates across all 22 local authorities, is an evidenced based health intervention programme that incorporates physical activity and behavioural change to support people improve their health and wellbeing.

Sheila joined the MonLife scheme at Chepstow Leisure Centre following the advice from her physiotherapist. Talking about the programme, Sheila says she’s not only seen a benefit to her physical health but it’s also helped build her confidence.

“I was contacted by Claire who organises the classes, we had a friendly chat about my health issues, how exercise can help me with my personal health and what I would like to achieve to improve my day-to-day life. The exercises were for all different levels of health and fitness and fun to do. 

“The classes have helped me enormously. I have gained strength in my arms and legs and my mobility has improved greatly. I can now walk without my stick most of the time and I can stand to cook my meals and cakes. I am able to go shopping on my own as my confidence has improved greatly.” 

Between 2019 and 2020, the MonLife referral scheme received over 1200 referrals, with 70% of all referrals coming via the NERs generic pathway. Of all the referrals, 99% of people were able to increase their activity resulting in 59% experiencing lowered blood pressure, 61% increasing their fitness and 46% lowering their BMI. 

Face-to-face classes were halted during the pandemic but resumed in September 2021 at Chepstow, Caldicot, Monmouth, with Abergavenny starting back on the 10thJanuary. 

For Sheila the return to the classes has also meant the opportunity to meet new people. She added: “I have gained so much from these classes, my health and fitness has improved so much over the past few weeks and this has helped my day-to-day living. I have also met so many lovely like-minded people and I look forward to my classes every week.”

Cabinet member with responsibility for MonLife, Councillor Lisa Dymock said: “We never truly understand how much of an impact schemes like the exercise referral scheme can make until we hear stories like Sheila’s. For many others in her situation, doing any sort of physical activity following a serious health condition can be daunting and overwhelming. This initiative is designed to support people through that challenging time and ultimately help them on their journey to recovery. Like Sheila, this scheme not only aids physical recovery but has an huge impact on mental health and confidence. If like Sheila, you have experienced a life-changing health condition or injury, please come and talk to our advisors or your doctors to access this brilliant service.” 

People referred to the scheme get access to their respective leisure centre’s fitness suite and swimming pool, access to all NERS/Fit4Life classes, 4,16 and 52 week progress consultations and a free kit bag. The scheme costs £16 per month and can be accessed by contacting MonLife’s Exercise Referral Coordinator on 01633 644800 or by referred by a GP / practice nurse; physiotherapist or dietician.

MonLife Active Tier 4 Lockdown

Following the announcement made by the First Minister at 5pm on Saturday 19 December, all MonLife Active Centres are closed as we enter into the Tier 4 Lockdown.

As you are aware following the Welsh Government announcement on 19th December, all MonLife Leisure Centres are now closed while we await a further update from the First Minister at the end of January.  Therefore, we will not be taking any payment for your membership for the month of January.

Our staff, as well as the community, are our priority and we would like to thank you for the support that you have shown MonLife over these last few months.  We have received the most amazing feedback from our customers and we will look forward to welcoming you all back following the Welsh Government review in January.

Your health and wellbeing is very important to us and we continue to explore opportunities to ensure that you can carry on with your wellbeing journey at home.  We have a fantastic NEW product that will allow MonLife members to carry on training with their favourite instructors and participants they know from their homes with the NEW MonLife LIVE & ON DEMAND membership. This membership will give you an exciting Virtual Live group and personal fitness experience.  Please click HERE for further information.

To keep up to date, follow our social media accounts, like our Facebook Page, follow our Twitter account and subscribe to our Youtube Channel.  We also have a MonLife App – click HERE to download.

Our membership teams are happy to help with any questions you may have so please email or call 01633 644499.

Please take care and ensure that you follow the government guidelines at all times, click here for more information  Alert level 4 | GOV.WALES

We’re Making The Comeback

MonLife Active

We are pleased to announce that all 4 Leisure Centres are now open, this includes the gym, swimming pool and group exercise classes as well as swimming lessons. For further information please click on the Active section at the top of this page to view the individual Leisure Centres.

MonLife Heritage

We are delighted to announce that we are reopening our museum in Abergavenny and Chepstow from 18th May, on Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays between 11am and 4pm. We have been working tirelessly behind the scenes to get our museum and shop ready to welcome you all back through our doors! We cannot wait to see you all!

Please note Monmouth Museum remains closed whilst we continue to work on the collections.

  • There is no need to book ahead of your visit, you can simply walk in.
  • Please be aware that we will be limiting the number of visitors allowed in the museum at any one time.
  • Visitors will need to wear a mask or face covering and follow social distancing whilst in the museum.
  • Hand sanitiser will be provided at various points throughout the museum.
  • Visitors will be required to fill in a contact Track & Trace form – all of which are in accordance to Welsh Government Covid guidelines.
  • Where possible please use card to purchase goods.

Abergavenny Castle grounds will be open daily to the public between 11am and 4pm.

We are also please to announce that Old Station Tintern is now open!

Please see the individual venue and service pages on the website for detailed information.

MonLife Outdoors

Countryside Access sites and public rights of way remain open for use.  For a safe and enjoyable visit please follow the guidance and rules which are found here

Our staff, as well as the community, are our priority and we would like to thank you for the support that you have shown MonLife over these last few months.  We have received the most amazing feedback from our customers.

To keep up to date, follow our social media accounts, like our Facebook Page, follow our Twitter account and subscribe to our Youtube Channel.  We also have a MonLife App – click HERE to download.

If you have an enquiry regarding your MonLife membership then please email or call 01633 644499.

As a valued customer we would like to thank you for your continued support and look forward to seeing you all again soon.

Stay Safe 

Grassroots heroes – this one’s for you.

In March 2020 grassroots sport came to a standstill as the global pandemic hit Wales, but it’s at this toughest of times our grassroots clubs, coaches and volunteers became heroes and made Welsh sport really proud. Local clubs, groups and organisations quickly came together at the beginning of the national lockdown to help care for people in their community. You raised money for charities, delivered food parcels to NHS workers, distributed sport equipment to people’s homes and set up online quizzes to help people keep in touch with each other. That’s why, on the 16th December, we will be supporting the National Lottery in dedicating a whole campaign to you! We will dedicate our channels to your inspirational stories to thank you for your kindness and commitment to keeping the nation going, mentally and physically! If you know someone at your club or project who deserves a whole load of recognition on the 16th December – post your story to your social platform, tag us in the post and use the hashtags #ThanksToYou and #NationalLottery We will keep our eyes peeled and be sure to share your post so the whole [insert sport] family can be inspired. We can’t wait to hear how you’ve played your part.


We have been blown away by the commitment, kindness and creativity of netball clubs up and down Wales over the past few months.

Faced with closed courts and lockdown restrictions, you have met these challenges with a positive, can-do attitude that makes Welsh Netball very proud.

This week, we are highlighting the work of Cil-y-Coed Netball Club in Monmouthshire as part of the National Lottery Dedicated To…campaign. A family-run club, Chloe is Head Coach and looks after the youth sides. Her Mum Jill is coach to the under 10s and Ladies team while sister Lauren pitches in when she can.

Of course, lockdown put an end to ordinary training sessions and get togethers but the club was quick to get creative and get online:

“We started with an Easter challenge. Each day for two weeks, members were set a challenge such as how many chest passes can you do in two minutes or how many figure of eights can you do through your legs. They were all a bit of fun but designed to maintain fitness. Our members would post their videos and photos on our social channels so there was a lot of camaraderie.

“Another time, we had a 15-day plan which would include fitness skills and ball skills. It was just something to keep people active and entertained. It helped maintain the sense of belonging at our club.”

When we reached May half term, we asked members to bake and decorate cakes with a netball theme. One member designed an entire netball game out of lego and animated it with stop motion. We have discovered our members have all sorts of skills!,” laughs Chloe.

Chloe may joke but the work undertaken to keep a club together with Zoom quizzes and online content takes time and is typical of netball clubs right across Wales.

The club recently received more than £1000 in National Lottery funding which has been spent on PPE, hand sanitisers, first aid kit and extra equipment so that coaches and players can avoid sharing and cross-contamination:

“We’d like to say a huge thank you to all National Lottery players because this funding will allow us to restart safely. It makes us feel more confident to come back and play because we know it will be within a safe environment. It wouldn’t be possible without the National Lottery.”

With the help of National Lottery funding, thousands of grassroots sports workers and volunteers from local clubs and organisations across the UK, have been be able to continue to help the nation to remain active, happy and motivated during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Thanks to National Lottery players, £30 million is raised every week for good causes, many of which are supporting the most vulnerable in our communities across the UK during the Coronavirus crisis.