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Get more from your journey when you active travel in Monmouthshire

Monmouthshire County Council is celebrating 10 years since the Active Travel Act was launched in Wales.

Although the concept of active travel has been around for a while, not everyone is familiar with the term. Active travel describes making essential journeys, such as travelling to work, on the school run or travelling to appointments, by foot or by wheeling. The wheeling part can cover bicycles (electric or just by pedal power), scooters, wheelchairs, adapted bicycles or mobility scooters etc. 

Cllr. Catrin Maby, Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Environment, said: “I would like to thank all of Monmouthshire’s residents who actively travel, walking or wheeling for essential journeys such as the commute to work. People of all ages and abilities can wheel or walk, and every journey we take without the car contributes to making a real difference. 

“We are blessed here in Monmouthshire with beautiful countryside a stone’s throw from our towns and villages, so choosing active travel has the added benefit of being able to really connect with nature and see things you simply don’t get the chance to when driving. Find out more about active travel in Monmouthshire by visiting the MonLife website and discover what’s happening in your area.” 

To find out about active travel projects visit https://www.monlife.co.uk/outdoor/active-travel/ and click on one of the towns listed. There are schemes being progressed across the county, so now’s the time to embrace active travel and get more from your journey. 

Llanfoist to Abergavenny Active Travel bridge works commence

Artist's impression of the new Active Travel bridge linking Llanfoist and Abergavenny

As part of the Welsh Government Active Travel funding awarded in 2023/24, phase 1 construction on the Llanfoist to Abergavenny Active Travel bridge (artist’s impression above) will commence on Monday 18th September, 2023.

The works comprise of earthworks for the south ramp only initially, on the Llanfoist side of the River Usk and will take approximately four weeks to complete. These establishment works will be carried out by the Monmouthshire County Council’s operations team. Access to the bank will be maintained.

Construction will be paused over winter, after which the remaining elements of this ramp, the northside ramp and the main bridge structure will be constructed next year. It is currently planned to be completed by December 2024.

This work does not include any routes within Castle Meadows this year. The planning application for the Castle Meadows paths will be considered at the October planning meeting at Monmouthshire County Council.

For further information on the Llanfoist to Abergavenny Active Travel scheme, please see: https://www.monlife.co.uk/castle-meadows-faq/

Minister visits Abergavenny summer programmes

Minister for Finance and Local Government Rebecca Evans MS visited Monmouthshire County Council’s summer programmes in Abergavenny recently.

Accompanied by Monmouthshire County Council Leader Cllr. Mary Ann Brocklesby and Cllr. Angela Sandles, Cabinet Member for Equalities and Engagement, the Minister, was shown around two summer provisions currently being offered.

Over the school holidays, young people can participate in summer programmes across Monmouthshire. Supported by the Welsh Local Government Association Food and Fun Programme, children in the county will have a safe space to participate in activities and access healthy food throughout the summer.

During the visit, the Minister was shown the current provision at Deri View Primary School and The Cabin youth centre. 

At Deri View Primary School, the Minister was shown the Food and Fun programme, which allows primary school children to do physical activities and learn about food and nutrition. The Fun and Food programme is being run across four sites in Monmouthshire for 24 days over the summer. Across the programmes in Caldicot, Chepstow, Monmouth and Abergavenny, over 700 children have registered to participate this summer.

Along with providing opportunities for children and young people, the Food and Fun programme provides employment locally, with more than 75 people employed to deliver the scheme.

Minister for Finance and Local Government Rebecca Evans MS , MCC Leader Cllr. Mary Ann Brocklesby and Cllr Angela Sandles, Cabinet Member for Equalities and Engagement at Deri View Food and Fun programme

Over the summer, youth centres across the county are open for young people aged 11-25 to visit. Supported by the Welsh Local Government Association Direct Food Support Scheme, at The Cabin there are a variety of activities on offer depending on the young people’s needs, wants and ideas. These have included developing life skills through cooking and food activities. All the activities in youth centres across the county have been designed with full consideration of the priorities identified by young people through this year’s Make your Mark consultation.

Minister for Finance and Local Government Rebecca Evans MS , MCC Leader Cllr. Mary Ann Brocklesby and Cllr Angela Sandles, Cabinet Member for Equalities and Engagement at The Cabin Youth Centre, Abergavenny.

The Make your Mark Consultation provided the opportunity for young people across Monmouthshire to give feedback on issues that they felt impacted their lives. Young people were provided with ten topics chosen by the Monmouthshire Youth Council. From the ten topics discussed this year, young people said their greatest concern was the cost of living crisis, with the impact on their social lives, future opportunities, and overall wellbeing being an influence on this. 

Monmouthshire County Council’s Leader, Cllr. Mary Ann Brocklesby said: ” It was fantastic to welcome the Minister to Abergavenny and show the fantastic opportunities we provide across the school holidays. Through funding by Welsh Local Government Association, young people in Monmouthshire have access to fun and educational programmes across the summer. It was fantastic to see the smiles on everyone’s faces and speak to the young people in attendance.”

MonLife provides a vast range of activities for children and young people this summer. For more information, visit: www.monlife.co.uk/school-holiday-activities 

Local children have a splashing time at MonLife’s Swimming Festival

MonLife’s recent School Swimming Festival welcomed over 345 primary school children to participate in inclusive aquatic activities across Monmouthshire.

Festivals in Abergavenny, Caldicot, Chepstow and Monmouth leisure centres allowed pupils to participate in a series of non-competitive fun events, including floats, strokes and woggle races.

The events that saw 23 primary schools participate, were supported by Swim Wales and 24 MonLife Leadership Academy students. The MonLife Leadership Academy provides support for young people in Monmouthshire to achieve their full potential. Participants gain valuable skills through sport that can be transferred into everyday life.

Cllr Sara Burch, Cabinet Member for Inclusive and Active Communities said:

“These events provided a great opportunity for our young swimmers across Monmouthshire to enjoy fun activities without any pressure to be competitive. The festival demonstrated just how rewarding an active lifestyle can be. Well done to all the children who took part.”

Each of MonLife’s leisure centres features a swimming pool open for public admission, private bookings and classes. All pools are open seven days a week. Throughout the year, all MonLife’s leisure centres have free swimming opportunities. To take advantage of free swimming, participants will need a MonLife card that can be collected at any of MonLife’s leisure centres.

Find further information on free swimming times and other school holiday activities on the MonLife’s website: www.monlife.co.uk/school-holiday-activities/

For more information about current Sport Development initiatives, please visit – www.monlife.co.uk/connect/sports-development or email sport@monmouthshire.gov.uk

Turner’s inspiring painting on display at Chepstow Museum

Chepstow Castle. Painted in 1794 by JMW Turner
Chepstow Castle. Painted in 1794 by JMW Turner

An important watercolour of Chepstow Castle painted by JMW Turner in 1794 has been unveiled in the town’s museum. The work, titled ‘Chepstow Castle on the River Wye Monmouthshire Wales’ is now on public display at Chepstow Museum for residents and visitors to admire. The evocative painting is being displayed as part of an exhibition on The Wye Tour in a dedicated gallery space.

The watercolour dated 1794, was painted when Joseph Mallord William Turner (1775-1851) was 19 years old. It was produced on his first tour, which was a journey into South Wales, when Chepstow was his first port of call after crossing the Severn. This view of the castle and riverside the one that would have greeted him.

Cllr. Sara Burch, Cabinet Member for Active and Inclusive Communities, said:

“Having access outside of a major city, to work by such an important artist is really important. In bringing art back to the source of its inspiration, we hope that it will give communities and visitors the chance to appreciate and be inspired by these artworks. They celebrate the townscape as well as the landscape of the Wye Valley. I would encourage everyone to visit the free exhibition when they can, it’s a fascinating look at the changing face of the area.”
Cllr Sara Burch with some of the MonLife team at the museum
Cllr Sara Burch with some of the MonLife team at the museum

Chepstow Museum has been building its collection of original artworks of the Wye Valley by late 18th and early 19th century artists with the support of The Purchase Grant Fund administered by the V&A, Art Fund, the Beecroft Bequest and strategically with the National Lottery Heritage Fund Collecting Cultures Scheme project focused on the Wye Tour. The purchase of the Turner watercolour was funded by these organisations, supported by the Museum Acquisition Fund.

The Wye Tour was a voyage down the River Wye from Ross to Chepstow. It brought artists, writers and early tourists to the area who were attracted by its picturesque scenery and romantic ruins. Its heyday was from 1770 to 1850, the period that coincided with the great development of watercolours. It has been the main focus of Chepstow Museum’s active collecting for the last 15 years and it has brought together significant works by important artists of the period.

Monmouthshire’s museum collections have also become a source of images for writers, journalists and film makers looking for illustrations of the Wye Valley and the Wye Tour. It is hoped that it will in its turn continue to inspire visitors to come to Chepstow and the Wye Valley to see its scenery for themselves, and the artworks at Chepstow Museum.

The Wye Tour exhibition is open every day 11am-4pm (except Weds) and will run until Sunday 17th December, 2023 at Chepstow Museum. For more information about Monmouthshire’s museums visit www.monlife.co.uk/heritage/

Have your say on green spaces and nature sites in Monmouthshire

Monmouthshire County Council has received funding through the Welsh Government Rural Communities – Rural Development Programme 2014-2020, which is funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the Welsh Government.

The funding will enable between 15-20 small and medium sized Green Infrastructure Projects in Abergavenny, Monmouth, Magor with Undy and Rogiet to be designed. Green Infrastructure is the term used to describe the creation and management of green spaces, as well as schemes such as native tree planting, woodland management and sites that support wildlife and pollinators, including ponds and wetland.

This project is seeking further opinions of local residents, about the proposed sites and biodiversity enhancements. To get involved head to the Monlife website, fill out a short questionnaire and give your feedback before the consultation closes at midnight on Monday 11th September, 2023.

Monmouthshire County Council has mapped ‘Green Corridors’ (a series of connecting green spaces) which criss-cross urban areas. Wildlife, such as pollinators and birds, use these green corridors and linked green spaces as stepping stones for shelter or to find food, enroute to larger landscapes which encircle our settlements. Urban spaces are becoming increasingly more important in helping our wildlife thrive.

The importance of having wildlife rich native habitats has been identified on specific green sites, and proposed outline designs are designed to work alongside existing uses of these green spaces.  The additional benefits to these new or enhanced habitats are: creation of resilient ecosystems, community wellbeing, managing climate change, providing clean air, storing carbon, providing flooding solutions and creating access to nature on our doorsteps. Where possible the council will seek funding to deliver these sites going forward.

Proposed Monmouthshire locations include:

Abergavenny: Old Hereford Road Verges Key Plan, Old Hereford Road Deri View Primary School Car Park, Old Hereford Road (Central), Old Hereford Road (South), Belgrave Park, Cantref Primary School, Our Lady & St Michael’s Catholic Primary School,

Monmouth: Rolls Avenue, Hendre Close Playing Field, Rockfield Avenue & Watery Lane, Clawdd Du (West), Clawdd Du (East)

Magor with Undy: Newport Rd Verges, Blenheim Avenue & Redwick Park . 
Rogiet: Slade View verges & traffic islands, Rogiet Playing Fields, Rogiet Countryside Park/Severn Tunnel Junction.

Potential Green Infrastructure projects that could be included (dependent on existing ecology on the site):

  1. New Hedgerows /management of hedgerows
  2. Grassland management change/ Native wildflower meadows
  3. Native bulb planting
  4. Native Tree planting, including Orchards
  5. Woodland management, such as coppicing
  6. Pond creation or Damp/wet scrapes
  7. Wildlife homes: bird/bat/mammal boxes/refugia as part of scheme

Cllr. Sara Burch, Cabinet Member for Inclusive and Active Communities said: “We are thrilled that the funding has been made available to develop plans for green corridors in Monmouthshire. I hope that residents and businesses in the areas being considered – Abergavenny, Magor with Undy, Monmouth and Rogiet – will take the opportunity to get involved and let us know what they would like to see planned for their community.”

Cllr. Catrin Maby, Cabinet Member for Climate Change and the Environment said: “This survey is important and will help get a better understanding of what Monmouthshire communities want. We’re already working with elected Town and County Councillors as well as local interest groups, but it is important for the teams working on this project understand how the spaces are currently used and what communities want to see in these green spaces. I would encourage everyone to visit Green Corridor Infrastructure Project – Monlife where you will find a link to a questionnaire. Your feedback really will help these project progress.”

Tags: climate emergencyMonLifeMonmouthshire

Green Flag success for Monmouthshire

Monmouthshire County Council is proud to announce that more of the county’s attractions and open spaces have won prestigious Green Flag Awards this year.

The awards, presented by leading environmental charity Keep Wales Tidy, give recognition to the locations that offer excellent facilities while demonstrating an ongoing commitment to delivering great quality green space.

This year sees Green Flag Awards going to the Monmouthshire & Brecon Canal (included for the third consecutive year), Tintern Old Station (award winners since 2009), Caldicot Castle Country Park (since 2013), Castle Meadows Abergavenny (since 2014) and Bailey Park in Abergavenny.

Caldicot Castle

The Monmouthshire & Brecon Canal is a well-deserved recipient of its second award this year. It runs through the Bannau Brycheiniog National Park with a stretch from Gilwern to Mamhilad within Monmouthshire itself. This quiet and scenic waterway with very few locks is popular with boating beginners and offers incredible mountain views and some of the darkest night skies in Britain.

Monmouthshire’s parks are also very popular with residents and visitors and have attracted numerous awards in recent years. Tintern’s Old Station is a popular attraction, and situated in a scenic wooded area next to the River Wye it’s described as a hidden gem. Caldicot’s magnificent medieval castle is set in fifty-five acres of beautiful country park offering an ideal setting for picnics and walks against the background of the castle walls, with picnic tables and barbeques.

Abergavenny’s tranquil Castle Meadows on the banks of the River Usk provides a peaceful setting just a short stroll from the centre of the town. Castle Meadows was the location for the very successful 2016 Monmouthshire and District National Eisteddfod.

Castle Meadows, Abergavenny

Cabinet Member for Inclusive and Active Communities, Cllr. Sara Burch said: “I am so pleased that many locations within our beautiful county have received awards this year. It is fantastic to see that our sites at Caldicot Castle and Country Park, Tintern Old Station, Castle Meadows and Bailey Park have been recognised with Green Flag awards.”

In addition, gardens and green spaces across the county have also be recognised in the Green Flag Community Awards: The Incredible Edible Garden in Usk, Mardy Park, Caldicot Community Garden, Crick Woodland, Caerwent Meadows, Crick Meadow, Crucorney Allotments, Garden City Sensory Garden in Chepstow, Goytre Community Garden, Laurie Jones Community Orchard, The Cornfield (Portskewett and Sudbrook) and Rogiet Wildlife Friendly Village.

Tintern Old Station

Cabinet Member for Climate Change & the Environment, Cllr. Catrin Maby said: “These awards mean so much for the many volunteers and community groups across the county. Their dedication and community spirit help keep so many green spaces in Monmouthshire looking beautiful. On behalf of my colleagues and myself, I would like to express our gratitude for all their hard work.

The Green Flag Award programme is delivered in Wales by environmental charity Keep Wales Tidy, with support from Welsh Government. Independent green space experts volunteered their time in early autumn to judge applicant sites against eight strict criteria, including biodiversity, cleanliness, environmental management, and community involvement.

A full list of award winners can be found on the Keep Wales Tidy website www.keepwalestidy.cymru

For more information on the many attractions and places to visit in Monmouthshire take a look at: Visit Monmouthshire www.visitmonmouthshire.com/

Funding awarded for Gwent’s Nature Network

The Gwent Green Grid partnership has just announced that it has been awarded almost £1million by the National Lottery Heritage Fund in Wales to promote resilient ecological Nature Networks in landscapes across Gwent.

The Nature Networks will give local people, schools and communities the opportunity to connect with nature. It will raise the awareness of climate and nature emergencies and deliver projects to create and improve the quality of the of green spaces in towns and the wider countryside to deliver nature recovery and increase the resilience of the environment for wildlife and people.

Nature Networks shall include the enhancement of green corridors, tree planting habitat management across the region and access improvements to local and regional routes. The project will also see the expansion of Nature isn’t Neat management where areas of grass are allowed to grow longer before cutting in a more sustainable way.

The project will build upon the successful work of the Gwent Green Grid; a partnership led by Monmouthshire County Council working in collaboration with Blaenau Gwent, Caerphilly, Newport, and Torfaen local authorities and Natural Resources Wales, with other partners.

children planting trees
Children planting saplings

Cllr. Catrin Maby, Monmouthshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Climate Change and the Environment, said: “This is great news for Monmouthshire, and our partner authorities and organisations across Gwent. The funding will help create nature and climate awareness opportunities, fund work to boost the resilience of ecosystems in and around our protected sites across the region and so much more.”

Monmouthshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Inclusive and Active Communities, Cllr. Sara Burch said: “This newly announced funding of £999,095 will secure high-quality green infrastructure improvements, which will include better connectivity of communities in a way that works with and supports the environment. I look forward to the next steps in bringing this Nature Network together.”

Andrew White, Director of The National Lottery Heritage Fund in Wales said: “It’s a priority for The National Lottery Heritage Fund in Wales to protect the environment. This is why we support initiatives that help us meet our national nature recovery targets and mitigate the effects of climate change on heritage. 

“Through partnerships such as this, we invest in work that helps halt and reverse the loss and decline of habitats and species and allow people to connect with our unique natural heritage.”

A nature space with a pond

Green infrastructure is the term used to describe a network of green spaces and other green features, rural and urban, that can delivery environmental benefits and improve quality of life for communities. This includes parks, open spaces, playing fields, woodlands, trees, residential streets, and much more. A good green infrastructure will help biodiversity, improve water run off after flooding, improve mental and physical wellbeing, encourage active travel and improve carbon storage.

For more information about the Gwent Green Grid visit www.monlife.co.uk/outdoor/green-infrastructure/green-infrastructure-partnerships-projects/gwent-green-grid-partnership/

Have your say on Community Nature Spaces proposals for Abergavenny

One of many kinds of nature spaces that could be chosen

Monmouthshire County Council has been awarded ‘Local Places for Nature’ funding by Welsh Government to build upon the success of the Community Nature Spaces schemes in Monmouth and Chepstow to deliver a similar scheme in Abergavenny.

The project, which is currently in its initial phase, is seeking the opinion of local residents about the proposed sites in Abergavenny and their potential uses via a short questionnaire on the MonLife website. The consultation will close on Monday 31st July, 2023, but residents and stakeholders are welcome to get in touch about the project at any time.

Community Nature Spaces aims to transform Green Spaces, so they benefit from better grassland management and enhancements for nature to create mini havens for wildlife, providing habitat for pollinators and urban wildlife. But they will not only benefit wildlife, Community Nature Spaces will also provide residents with opportunities for wild play, community food growing and places to enjoy nature and for quiet reflection.

Community Nature Spaces could include:

  • Community food growing spaces
  • fruit trees/community orchards
  • mini meadows and native hedgerows
  • flower-rich meadows mounds and slopes
  • Planting for pollinators and other wildlife
  • Tree and shrub planting
Above: another possible idea for nature spaces

Proposed Abergavenny locations include:

  • Major’s Barn and Union Road/St Helen’s Close Play Areas
  • Dan Y Deri Green Spaces & Play areas
  • Green spaces on Park Close, Old Barn Way, Bishop Close and Highfield Crescent
  • Croesonen Parc
  • Nevill Hall
  • Lower Monk Street road verge
  • The bus station 

Cllr. Catrin Maby, Cabinet Member for Climate Change & the Environment said: “I am pleased that Community Nature Spaces are now coming to Abergavenny thanks to the funding that has been awarded. Green spaces in our towns and residential areas are incredibly important for our well-being, but they also help protect and support biodiversity, enriching the places we live.”

Cllr. Sara Burch, Cabinet Member for Active & Inclusive Communities said: “This is a fantastic opportunity to provide a network for wildlife and people in the very heart of our towns and engage with nature, which is good for everyone’s health and wellbeing. We’d love as many people as possible in and around Abergavenny to have their say about their Community Nature Spaces, to make sure it offers the very best for the town and its people.”

In order to get a full understanding of what Abergavenny’s community wants, Council Officers are working with the elected Town and County Councillors as well as local interest groups. Please visit www.monlife.co.uk/outdoor/consultation-community-nature-spaces where you will find a link to a questionnaire about green spaces in Abergavenny, how you use them and how you would like to see them used in the future. The initial phase of the consultation will close on Monday 31st July but residents and stakeholders are welcome to get in touch about the project at any time.

Tags: abergavennycommunityMonLifeMonmouthshireNature

Active Travel plans in Abergavenny take a step forward

Funding has been secured this financial year to start the construction of the new Active Travel bridge across the Usk, and revised plans for the entrance gates to Castle Meadows have been agreed between Monmouthshire County Council and Transport for Wales. A planning application to improve paths through Castle Meadows, Abergavenny will be considered in the near future by the Council’s Planning Committee. Planning discussions were delayed from July’s planning meeting while a query from Natural Resources Wales about the ecology of the site was explored.

A trial cattle grid with a gate at Castle Meadows will be removed and replaced with just a gate, and the new bridge across the Gavenny will have no grids or gates and allow barrier-free access. Other entry points which lead onto roads and car parks will have kissing gates replaced with easily opened, self-closing single gates and a cycle-width cattle grid for cycles and mobility scooters. The grids will only be in use when cattle are grazing, which is usually between July and January, to give easy access for all users while keeping cattle enclosed. Grazing by cattle is important to the biodiversity of the traditional water meadows.   

Cllr. Sara Burch, Cabinet member for inclusive and active communities said:

“I am delighted that funding has been secured this financial year to enable the construction of the new Active Travel bridge across the Usk at Castle Meadows to begin. It is hoped that it will be completed in 2024 and will make it safer for people to travel between Llanfoist and Abergavenny.

“We have listened to public opinion regarding access points to Castle Meadows and as a result we will be removing the trial cattle grid. The original proposals are national best practice for active travel routes that cross areas where cattle graze, but clearly Castle Meadows needs a bespoke approach. The team have explored various alternatives following an incident early this year, including what has worked elsewhere and suggestions made by the public. This is a complex site and there are no easy solutions. We will now only install grids where we would expect dog owners to have their dog on a lead, such as the entrances from car parks and the road. There will be clear signage wherever they are installed. I am grateful to Transport for Wales for continuing to support us with Active Travel funding while allowing flexibility in how we deliver the scheme.

“This scheme is a big investment in Abergavenny’s future and we have to get every detail right. Our aim remains to enable everyone to enjoy the beautiful Castle Meadows including walkers, families with small children, people with limited mobility, cyclists and dog owners. People will be able to choose to use the new, safe, attractive, resin bound surfaces, or wander through the informal paths. The Active Travel routes will provide a safe and pleasant route for walkers and cyclists between Llanfoist and the different areas of Abergavenny, including the new King Henry VIII school and the station. We will continue to consult on the detail of the scheme at each phase.”     

There has been some speculation locally that dogs being walked on the meadows will have to be kept on a lead as a result of this scheme. This is incorrect – dogs will continue to be allowed off a lead when it is safe to do so on Castle Meadows. Dogs on or off a lead must always be under an owner’s control, especially around children, cyclists and cattle. And all responsible dog owners should always pick up after their dog.

The proposed route in Abergavenny is one of many across the country that have been proposed as a result of the Active Travel (Wales) act. The act aims to reduce the amount of car journeys by improving the active travel routes in towns. This in turn aims to reduce pollution, improve health and equality.

The scheme has been funded by the Welsh Government through the Active Travel Fund, administered by Transport for Wales. This money is ring-fenced for improvements to Active Travel routes. Each phase of the scheme is subject to separate funding approval, and construction in the Castle Meadows can only take place at certain times of year, making this a multi-year project.

For the latest information about the Active Travel project in Abergavenny and to view the frequently asked questions about the scheme please visit: https://www.monlife.co.uk/castle-meadows-faq/