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Council to run survey on tourism industry

Council to run survey on tourism industry

Monmouthshire County Council is to carry out an up to date survey on the area’s tourism industry.

Monmouthshire’s strategic Destination Management Plan, which guides the running of the county’s tourism sector, is due for review and the council will ask businesses, residents and visitors for their views on how the area’s potential is developed, managed and marketed.

Tourism is vital to Monmouthshire’s economy and generates income to support a wide range of businesses that benefit from spending by visitors.  According to figures supplied by tourism economic indicator STEAM (Scarborough Tourism Economic Activity Monitor), the 2.28m visitors to Monmouthshire in 2019 brought in almost £245m to the local economy and supported the equivalent of 3,119 full-time jobs.

While the council is keen to promote economic growth and recovery following the Covid-19 pandemic it recognises the balance to be struck between economic, environmental and social perspectives if tourism is to develop sustainably.  It aims to develop a tourism economy that avoids a negative impact on the environment while ensuring a positive experience for visitors with a warm welcome from Monmouthshire’s communities.

Monmouthshire’s cabinet member with responsibility for tourism, Councillor Lisa Dymock said: “Whether you’re a business involved in the visitor economy, a Monmouthshire resident or someone who’s visited the county over the past three years, we’d welcome your views.”

To access the survey, log onto:

by Tuesday, 30th November.  All who complete the survey will stand a chance of winning a Christmas hamper from the Wye Valley Producers collaboration packed with the area’s finest award-winning produce!

Summer of Fun Review 2021

MonLife wanted to make the summer of 2021 a special one for all of our communities given the events these past two years. The easing of lockdown restrictions enabled MonLife to bring back many of our much loved schemes and activities including ‘The Monmouthshire Games’.

Children in Monmouthshire in particular have enjoyed a fun-filled summer holiday with wide range of play provisions. Two flagship programmes, The Monmouthshire Games and The School Holiday Enrichment Programme took centre stage and were supported by a wide range of MonLife services aimed at children and young people. Below you will be able to find our review and can help us celebrate our Summer achievements.

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